Best In Slot Paladin Gear
ICC Paladin Gear – Best in Slot
Prot Paladin Bis Tbc Phase 1
PLD Best in slot guide! “THE SHIELD IS BACK!”. PLD Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more! It isn’t the best time for Paladins right now. But there are some of you out there, I know, that once you’ve picked up the shield: YOU HOLD IT UP FOR LIFE! Be the SHIELD with this Paladin Best-in-slot gear guide! May 15, 2021 BiS'Paladin Healing Best in Slot Gear (BiS) - WoW Classic Below are the Best in Slot gear recommendations for Healing Paladin in Ahn'Qiraj, the newest raid in WoW Classic Phase 5. While epics from AQ40 play a large role in this list, we also recommend gear from PvP, Professions, dungeons, and quests.
12/26/2009Best In Slot Gear Prot Paladin
Just recently I came across this website, Best in Slot Holy Paladin Resource, and it got me to thinking that I should post up my own gearing philosophy.

– How I disagree with that list –

The first thing that really stands out is that I find it somewhat silly to put up a BiS list that is all harmode gear when you can’t even -attempt- any hardmodes for a good long while. Secondly, any healadin that is able to gear in fully hardmode gear knows enough about his/her play style to not require any sort of gearing help. BiS lists are tuned towards those who don’t want to have to theorycraft for themselves, which generally means people not doing hardmodes. Thirdly, there’s no real discussion about stat balance or throughput to regen ratios. It seems to really boil down to “haste is better than crit, so this item is better than this.” Fourthly, there tons of mail on that list and I’ll be passing on that gear to our many talented Resto. shaman, so I’m assuming that other healadins will be, too.
I absolutely disagree with their choices of trinkets as BiS. They list Solace of the Defeated below Sliver of Pure Ice based on the use effect being used exactly on cooldown. The problem lies on if you’re off even by a few seconds on the use. If you only use the Sliver every 65 seconds, it has -less- MP5 than Solace. Solace has no such stipulations; no thought is required to keep it at 100% uptime. This makes Solace the obvious choice, in my book.
Why Holiday’s Grace was chosen over Blood Queen’s Crimson Choker is beyond me, especially considering that going for a throughput/regen piece in this slot can free up a slot later for regen/regen if it’s needed.
Best In Slot Holy Paladin Gear
– My own list for you –
Best In Slot Paladin Gear Ret
Just in case you were wondering, I value MP5 far less than many other Holy Light casting healadins. I don’t actively avoid it, but I find that I don’t need nearly as much of it to stay above the OOM line as other people seem to take. I favor crit more as a combination stat. For gemming, trinkets and enchants I favor regen, while for gearing I favor throughput. I do -not- have anything from ICC hardmodes listed, because hardmodes won’t be available for quite a bit and things are subject to change before that. Look for that list in the future.
Back – Frostbinder’s Shredded Cape
Chest – Rot-Resistant Breastplate (Possibly Meteor Chaser’s Raiment if you don’t mind cloth.)
Feet – Protectors of Life (I favor these over the mail because I’m a smith.)
Finger – Rep ring and Ring of Rapid Ascent
Hands – Gauntlets of Overexposure
Head – Sanctified Lightsworn Headpiece (2-piece is worth it, 4-piece is not.)
Legs – Puresteel Legplates
Neck – Blood Queen’s Crimson Choker
Relic – Bloody ilevel 200 one is still the best. Le sigh.
Shield – Bulwark of Smouldering Steel
Shoulders – Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders (Again, for the 2-piece.)
Trinkets – Solace of the Defeated and Meteorite Crystal
Waist – Lich Killer’s Lanyard
Wrists – Crypt Keeper’s Bracers
Paladin Best In Slot Everquest
At 884 haste, I don’t feel the need to gear even more heavily towards it.